Project: Private Health Sector Assessment in Zambia

Despite significant strides in public sector provision of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products and services in Zambia, barriers to access and affordability remain for some population groups. In addition, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS remains high across the country, particularly in urban areas. In line with USAID’s forthcoming Private Sector Engagement Strategy and the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ)’s own plans to foster private sector development, USAID/Zambia plans to pursue new engagements with the private sector to improve health outcomes among the Zambian people.

USAID/Zambia has commissioned an assessment to identify opportunities for greater private sector engagement to contribute to a stronger health system in Zambia, particularly with respect to SRH and HIV-related products and services. This assessment will consider potential private sector enterprises that comprise, or interact with, the health sector, including pharmacies, health shops, private hospitals and clinics, importers and local manufacturers of pharmaceutical or medical products, social marketing organizations, health insurance companies, and even small businesses who play an important role in the health decision-making of Zambians: bars, restaurants, clubs, and neighbourhood shops.

Integra Government Services International, LLC (Integra) and Limestone (sub-contractor to Integra) have been hired by USAID under the Learning, Evaluation, and Analysis Project (LEAP III) to perform this private health sector assessment.


As part of the assessment, the team will conduct the following steps:

  • Estimate the size, scope, and scale of the private health sector, including key stakeholders and their roles.
  • Describe the types of health services and products currently offered by the private sector, their approximate prices and current demand, and any apparent gaps in product and service offerings (unmet demand).
  • Estimate willingness to pay for health products and services among Zambians and USAID/Zambia’s priority populations.
  • Identify policies and factors that inhibit or enable private sector participation in the health system.

Clients / Partners




Sector assessment and desk review presentation


In-country stakeholder consultations
  • The team participated in meetings and training sessions with the data-collection firm RuralNet, and participated in an in-brief and out-brief with the USAID/Zambia mission


Follow up with stakeholders and begin analysis


Draft final report