This page contains a list of our current multi-year contractual frameworks. Limestone is either a prime contractor or a sub-contractor on these vehicles.
Limestone, along with Causal Design and 3ie, will support MCC with cost-benefit analysis and related economic analyses. Activities under this Blanket Purchase Agreement include designing and producing independent Evaluation-Based Cost-Benefit Analysis (ECBA) models, contributing to and reviewing MCC CBA guidance, supporting MCC Country Team Economists in conducting CBAs for MCC project design during Compact development and for reporting during Compact Closeout, and synthesizing CBA and ECBA results for learning purposes.
For details contact:
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Economic Analysis (EA) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) supports economic analyses for program development across various sectors in multiple MCC compact and threshold program countries. Limestone, along with Causal Design and 3ie, bring complementary skills and experiences across a range of technical areas, sectors, and geographies and a strong commitment to rigorous and relevant analysis.
For details contact:
The Citrus collaboration supports World Vision Canada, a global Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization, in its commitment to use data-led and evidence-based approaches to help the world’s most vulnerable girls and boys overcome poverty and experience the fullness of life. Under Citrus, Limestone supports evidence-based decision-making within World Vision Canada through the delivery of economic analyses and institutional support. Economic analyses focus on development programming in various sectors (child protection and participation, education, health and nutrition, livelihoods, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)), across multi-year investments spanning a large number of developing country contexts. Limestone has provided institutional support through an assessment of capabilities and needs to advance evidence-based decision-making and technical tools to guide evidence generation, notably a series of economic analysis conventions on the conduct of cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis. The plans under this vehicle include additional activities such as course development and delivery, evaluations, and conference presentations.
For details, contact: Rachel Bahn
Through the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Limestone Analytics was awarded a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) (Contract #47QRAA21D00AV). Limestone offers services under the following Special Item Numbers through the Professional Services Federal Supply Group:
Click here for contractor information, or email for more details.
The USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Services Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (EVAL ME II IDIQ) contract is designed for missions and bureaus agency-wide to procure monitoring and evaluation services across all sectors.
For details contact:
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Evaluation-based CBA contract provides support for MCC’s Department of Policy and Evaluation, Economic Analysis division to design and produce independent Evaluation-Based Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) models based on existing MCC models, independent evaluation reports, and (where applicable) underlying evaluation data.
For details contact: Rachel Bahn
JBJ Foundation seeks the most cost-effective ways to create impact on the world’s poorest. Limestone will help JBJ Foundation by providing analytical services to expand the use of evidence in investment decision-making and program design. These services include
For details contact:
The UNCDF selected a pool of specialized evaluation firms with the capacity, expertise, and experience to conduct independent, external, thematic, program, and project evaluations across the entire UNCDF interventions portfolio at short notice and in full respect of the United Nations quality standards for evaluation. The evaluation specialists also offer support for the UNCDF’s attempts to strengthen the practice of evaluation within UNCDF and across the UN system by introducing innovative approaches, methods, and techniques to its evaluation work in line with evolving best practices internationally.
The Copenhagen Consensus Center, in partnership with the National Planning Commission of Malawi and AFI-DEP (a think tank based in Malawi), is conducting the Malawi Priorities Project. The project aims to identify and promote effective interventions to address Malawi’s development challenges, informed by cost-benefit analysis. The aim is to inform both short and long-term development priorities for the country, acknowledging that there are insufficient resources to address all of Malawi’s challenges and that maximizing outcomes requires careful, evidence-based consideration of the costs and benefits of all policies. Limestone Analytics was hired to conduct the research and associated CBAs for nine research questions under the Malawi Priorities project. The nine research questions include the following sectors; education, agriculture, utilities, governance, industrialization, natural resource management, and COVID-19 economic recovery.
The FCDO‘s (formerly DFID) International Multi-Disciplinary Programme Framework Agreement (IMDP) was designed to enable the FCDO to access advice and expertise in a cost-efficient and effective manner across the 11 thematic areas.
The USAID Learning, Evaluation, and Analysis Project (LEAP III) mechanism is designed for USAID field missions and bureaus. It helps to efficiently and cost-effectively access rigorous, independent, and high-quality analytical services to support economic and policy analyses, project design, monitoring and evaluation, and training across all sectors.
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